Empowering through
education & opportunity

WE ARE MOVING! Our amazing new center will house both our W.O.W. program and our targeted food distribution operations. The downstairs of our building will house the food operations, and the main floor of our new W.O.W. building will be tailored to different art forms, such as visual arts, performing arts, music, theater, film, and literature. We will have studios, workshops, classrooms, and a sizeable multi-use theater space. Our center will foster creativity, provide a platform for artists to showcase their work, and engage the community in artistic and cultural experiences. This change will allow impoverished children, families, and senior adults to experience activities and engagement that may have never been possible otherwise. Food and vital services will be provided to qualified individuals, and the arts and cultural and educational opportunities will be the catalyst used to accomplish our mission to break the cycle of generational poverty for all. The families that qualify for our services will all have goals and objectives leading to self-sufficiency and improvement in their quality of life, and they will be supported in helping to accomplish these goals. We desire to EMPOWER rather than ENABLE. To empower someone means to provide them with the tools, knowledge, skills, and support they need to take control of their own lives and make independent and positive decisions. Empowerment focuses on fostering self-confidence, self-determination, and personal growth. With your continued support, our new W.O.W. center will do just that!

This is how the new Morganton Arts and Culture District will look. The plan includes a Greenway extension that will pass right by our new home. Work on the project is scheduled to start in 2024.